4  Command line tools


You are reading the work-in-progress edition of ROS 2 : Mea Via et Mea Disciplina. This chapter is currently a dumping ground for ideas, and we don’t recommend reading it. The complete version will be available here soon. Stay tuned!

Commands Short description
ros2 run Run a ROS2 node from a package.
ros2 node Interact with a running ROS2 node.
ros2 topic Interact with ROS2 topics.
ros2 service Interact with ROS2 services.
ros2 param Interact with ROS2 parameters.
ros2 bag Record and play back ROS2 messages.
ros2 launch Launch multiple nodes at once.
ros2 interface Interact with ROS2 interfaces.
ros2 pkg Manage ROS2 packages.
ros2 pkg create Create a new ROS2 package.
ros2 pkg list List available ROS2 packages.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_python Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament Python build system.
Commands Short description
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_lint Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament Lint build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_pytest Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Pytest build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_gtest Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Gtest build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon-python Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon Python build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon-cmake Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon CMake build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon-ros Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon ROS build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon-ros-python Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon ROS Python build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type colcon-ros-cmake Create a new ROS2 package with the Colcon ROS CMake build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_ros Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake ROS build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_python Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Python build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_lint Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Lint build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_pytest_coverage Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Pytest Coverage build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_ros_testing Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake ROS Testing build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_flake8 Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake Flake8 build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_mypy Create a new ROS2 package with the Ament CMake MyPy build system.
ros2 pkg create –build-type ament_cmake_pep257 Create a new ROS2 package with